Electronic Books

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Academic Study of Common Diets ديمة رحمون ؛ نوار غرز الدين ؛ باسل الأطرش ؛ إشراف د. عفراء النقري

The foods you choose to eat can have a direct impact on your ability to enjoy life to its fullest. Perhaps the most obvious ...

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Consequences of Unawareness in Usage of Some Medicines and Diet Routine لونا كسكين ؛ ابراهيم الصلاحي ؛ ليلاس ضاهر ؛ تسنيم رابعة ؛ إشراف د. بيسان أحمد

In the short term, imbalanced nutrition can contribute to stress, tiredness and our capacity to work, and over time, it can ...

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Diet and fertility غنى الشويكي ؛ ريم حمود ؛ نور قباني ؛ إشراف د. رانيا مطر

Infertility and subfertility affect a significant part of the population. Among various definitions of this pathology, the ...

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Fatty acids محمد كامل فاكهاني ؛ زين العابدين عمران ؛ إشراف د. محمد ماهر القطيني

Fatty acid metabolism, including the de novo synthesis, uptake, oxidation, and derivation of fatty acids, plays several important ...

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Japan Nutrition

This auto-translation book demonstrates a time series of nutrition improvement in Japan since the introduction of nutrition ...

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Nutrition of cancer patient / Haneen Bekdash ; Ghalia Selo ; Mariam Karbouj ; Sally Alrawi

According to world statistics, nutrition is estimated to contribute to about one-third of preventable cancers, nearly the ...

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Oral Rehabilitation for Compromised and Elderly Patients

This book is designed to help dentists in general practice to improve the results of prosthetic procedures in medically compromised ...

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The Hidden Messages in Drinking Water and Hydrotherapy / Myriam Saadeh ; Nour Albshara ; Ruba Abdallah ; Nour Sarji

Water is essential for life and maintaining optimal levels of hydration is important for humans to function well. Water makes ...

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